Thursday, November 4, 2021

Monthly Update : September & October 2021

Making a difference update, from the recovery field – September / October 2021 edition. Below are the highlights that happened in the Life Issues ministry over the last couple of months:

· Joe T. called on 9-13 and was 90 days clean on 9-27 in Hope City rehab (this is a huge blessing to me personally)!

· I took 22 Bibles to Cass County Jail on 9-20 and the deputy asked for Spanish Bibles, so we took them 8 Spanish Bibles on 9-21! This was a God thing because our ministry didn’t have any Spanish Bibles the week before, but our church was assembling about 6,000 Spanish Bibles that week 
(see boxes in pic).


· Krista G. accepted Christ into her life on 9-22 (last night of Bible Conference)!

· Sarah S. accepted Christ over the phone on 10-4-21.

· Marcy L. gave a great testimony on 9-24; her and Matt have become HBF members and are getting discipled and involved in ministry, PTL! Matt got baptized on 10-3, I love this couple, see attached pic!


· Sent birthday card to man in prison in late September.

· Benevolence assistance over the last 2 months: We helped a student get some furniture for her duplex, we helped mother of 5 get into shelter on 10-5 (this was huge). We also helped get George K. into treatment on 10-12, and partnered with our church to give a student 10 days stay in a motel

· Alicia H. Got full custody of her daughter on 10-1, we’re happy for her family.

· Molessa purchased her own truck, see attached picture of this proud pickup owner.


· Sent collaboration letter to Lily’s House on 10-19, to support them getting funding / grant.

· Worked @ Harvest Party on 10-23; our church had about 150 guests that day, as we hosted this event for children; see attached pic of Jim and Sherrie cutting loose!


· Sarah L. and I helped with a community outreach called Project Connect for displaced people on 10-23 (see pic). Sarah L. will be an HBF member on 11-21-21 and will be giving her testimony on 11-29!!!


· Caleb L. gave a great testimony on 10-29 and we had multiple people respond to the invitation afterwards. This young man is strong in the word and we’re so proud of him and his victory over the bottle thru Jesus Christ

· Here’s a brief testimony from a young lady that’s been coming to our group for a little over a year… 

"Hello my name is Lynzee C. - I attend life issues on Friday nights and I started coming to Heartland Baptist Church. Pastor Steve Fleshman asked me to write about what the Lord has been doing in my life. I could go on and on about my life story, but I will give you the short version. 

I had a good life before I met my son's father. I had a job and a place to live and family. After I dated him for a while I became homeless and jobless then pretty soon pregnant. 

I lived on the streets for a while with him then went back and forth to different houses even to my brothers for a while without his father. I wound up moving to Deepwater with his Aunt so he could go to treatment. We wound up breaking up, so I moved back with my family. 

I started attending life issues again and on April 12th I got saved right before the meeting started. This is when the Lord really started blessing me. I got a job then a few months after I had been working my friend Mickey asked me to be her roommate. So, I said yes and we found a perfect place for us and my son. 

I now have a job, a good place for my son to live in and I got myself a car. I am going to get baptized on November the 14th and I can't be prouder of myself from where I was. And I have the Lord to thank for all of it!"

· Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…

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