· One of our men started a 9-week financial course (Dave Ramsey – Financial Peace University) on 6-3, we’re very proud of him!
· We helped a couple with gas and food on 6-9
· We helped move an elderly lady on 6-6 & 6-10, I was very thankful for the help of about 10 others!
· We’ve had 5 people make professions of faith in June:
o A man and his wife prayed to be saved on 6-8 outside at the Flying J truck stop
o One of the lady’s at Lily’s House prayed to be saved @ HBF on 6-9
o Two separate ladies prayed to be saved at the Tuesday night Life Issues meeting on 6-11
· One of our ladies lost most of her teeth due to meth use, was able to get dentures on 6-18, we’re very happy for her new look and ability to eat more things now!
· A husband and wife graduated from a parenting class on 6-20, please pray that they can get their son back in their home.
· We gave emergency housing and a box of food to a homeless man on 6-24
· We provided emergency housing for lady on 6-26
· One of the men who has completed our program, just signed up for HBF’s D1 course!
· One of our husband and wife couples went to Moberly MO on 7-3 and brought home a former student of ours that found himself without a place to stay and without transportation, etc., so that he could live with his mother again for awhile.
· We gave another box of food to a lady / former student on 7-3
· Our 7th annual Recover Walk / Run fundraiser (RWR) is picking up steam, here’s an update:
o We had 18 pounds of hamburger donated to us on 6-10, for our upcoming RWW
o We signed a contract with Race Day Timing Solutions to time a run (see attached poster)
o AMC theaters donated 10 movie tickets in early June
o We received our new trifolds (500) in early June
o Porta Potties have been squared away, buses have been requested, graphics have been designed and literature is being printed, etc.
o We’ve given out about 15 pledge forms already and multiple folks have started getting pledges!
· On August 2nd, we will have our annual Homecoming event, and will be inviting all our alumni, graduates, and former students, some special guests, as well as our current folks. Bill Corum (Author of The Ultimate Pardon) will be our speaker and he will present “A Father’s Blessing” to us as he does in many different prisions. Consider yourself invited to this special event, to be held at HBF @ 7pm on August 2nd!
· Testimony of one of our ladies:
"I was broken from a very young age. I had a father who never wanted me and a mother who was mentally and emotionally unavailable. She had been broken from a young age and used pills and alcohol to cover her pain. I experienced physical and sexual abuse from family members, and emotional and mental abuse from my mother. I was a lost little girl, shy and confused but most of all I felt alone and lost in an enormous world. I started smoking and drinking at 12 to fit in, and drugs at 13 and 14. Hey I had friends now. At least I thought so. By 15 I was addicted to weed, and I wanted out of my mom's house and left to live with my older sister. By 16 I had a full-time job and a daily meth habit. The people I ran with taught me how/used me to sell drugs and to commit all types of crime. I had my first child at 19 and got indicted on federal charges at 20. I stayed clean for a couple years while doing my sentence of bootcamp and probation. As soon as I got done I got right back into drugs and I had never quit heavy drinking. I picked up selling drugs and other crimes.
After several years, this time I found myself in county jail. Where I had a true 'jailhouse' conversion. I gave my life to Christ in a dark jail cell after a Bible study one night. I had seen and connected with a woman walking out her faith in the worst circumstances. I finally felt hope and peace. I got out and had no support and ended up homeless and pregnant before finally getting away from drugs and the lifestyle. I had my twins, then went to serve my time on my 7 charges including traffic tickets, possession with intent, fraud and theft.
I felt peace and comfort from the Lord. While in Jail waiting for sentencing I met people from Heartland Baptist Fellowship and learned about Life Issues. And over the 13 months incarceration God showed me that only through the Bible would I have lasting recovery but more importantly REDEMPTION! As a condition of parole, I needed to complete a parenting class and I asked my PO if I could attend Life Issues to fulfill it. To me it was a win/win. Christ and recovery for me and an obligation of my parole fulfilled.
· The moment you walk in to Life Issues you are wrapped up in love and belonging that only comes from Christ. Over time I kept coming because I loved the fellowship and seeing others victory’s in recovery and their walk with Christ. I was asked to become a leader and even though I felt unequipped God gave me everything I needed to serve that role. My life has been a roller coaster ride since Christ found me in that jail cell in August of 2010 and I wouldn't trade any of it for one minute using or living my old lifestyle. I am so thankful for Life Issues for coming alongside me and helping me to walk out my own faith. "
- Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…
After several years, this time I found myself in county jail. Where I had a true 'jailhouse' conversion. I gave my life to Christ in a dark jail cell after a Bible study one night. I had seen and connected with a woman walking out her faith in the worst circumstances. I finally felt hope and peace. I got out and had no support and ended up homeless and pregnant before finally getting away from drugs and the lifestyle. I had my twins, then went to serve my time on my 7 charges including traffic tickets, possession with intent, fraud and theft.
I felt peace and comfort from the Lord. While in Jail waiting for sentencing I met people from Heartland Baptist Fellowship and learned about Life Issues. And over the 13 months incarceration God showed me that only through the Bible would I have lasting recovery but more importantly REDEMPTION! As a condition of parole, I needed to complete a parenting class and I asked my PO if I could attend Life Issues to fulfill it. To me it was a win/win. Christ and recovery for me and an obligation of my parole fulfilled.
· The moment you walk in to Life Issues you are wrapped up in love and belonging that only comes from Christ. Over time I kept coming because I loved the fellowship and seeing others victory’s in recovery and their walk with Christ. I was asked to become a leader and even though I felt unequipped God gave me everything I needed to serve that role. My life has been a roller coaster ride since Christ found me in that jail cell in August of 2010 and I wouldn't trade any of it for one minute using or living my old lifestyle. I am so thankful for Life Issues for coming alongside me and helping me to walk out my own faith. "
- Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…
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