Friday, September 7, 2018

Monthly Update - August 2018

Making a difference update, from the recovery field – August 2018 edition… Below are some bullet points of the highlights that happened in the Life Issues ministry over the last month:

· HBF’s pastor, Brian Hedges gave his testimony on 8-3, with over 70 people present; this was our “Homecoming Event”. I’m attaching a special video that we created for this event, and we’ll be putting his audio testimony up on our website soon.

· Life Issues had a booth on the square in Harrisonville on 8-4 @ the Farmer’s Market, to promote our upcoming Recovery Walk; we made several good connections that day!

· We gave away two boxes of food on 8-5, and two more in early September!

· The girlfriend of one of our students accepted Christ @ church on 8-5!

· One of the girls @ Lily’s House accepted Christ with one of our leaders on 8-6!

· We had 3-4 Drug Court clients show up @ church and helped stain our decking on 8-4!

· We assisted the Public Defender’s office twice in August, by taking two people from jail to the Salvation Army.

· Two of our lady students got baptized @ HBF on 8-12!

· Life Issues helped a lady fix an electrical problem with her car on 8-16

· My wife and I celebrated 36 years of marriage together on 8-14!

· One of our leaders, Linda, celebrated 44 years of marriage with her husband,  on 8-24!

· I was thankful to be able to unite two of our students, Ryan and Christina Evans, in Marriage on 8-18!

· We had a baby shower for one of our leaders, Sara and her baby, on 8-18!

· I took one of our students to the Salvation Army on 8-30, to go through their recovery program!

· We had about 70 walkers @ our Recovery Walk fundraiser on 8-31 and we grossed over $14,000! There were dozens of volunteers and Life Issues students, leaders, and supporters that helped with this event! Boy Big, Todd McCray, and C.A.B.B. Musik gave Christ honoring performances @ our concert after the walk, and there were over 200 people stayed to listen to these talented artists!

I’m pleased to send you the testimony of one of our newer students: 

"My name is Matthew; all my life has consisted with is living from one high to the next, from one crime to the next, from one bad decision to the next. I have struggled with a serious heroin addiction for the last 4 years of my life. I believe that I truly hit what some would call “rock bottom” about seven months ago in Cass County Jail (CCJ), where I served six months. I believe that is where I truly decided I needed a change. Only then, I didn’t know where the road to recovery was to take me; God truly nudged me along, from one blessing to the next. I didn’t know exactly what to call them then, but my cellie witnessed to me (he was corresponding to the Life Issues program), and God used him to bring me to tears more than once. 

Forwarding to the end of my six months, I was blessed with a decision and an acceptance to the Joshua House (JH), where I was welcomed with open arms and a renewal in my faith in Jesus Christ. I asked Jesus Christ into my heart again to renewal my salvation on July 29th, 2018; since then I find myself getting more and more intrigued in His word, promises and blessings! The Lord has truly intervened in my life, he is so truly guiding me on my every day paths; since July 29th, I’ve been attending Life Issues myself, I’ve been blessed with this wonderful home (JH), new job offers, new patterns of thinking, and an overall excellent chance at success through my walk with Jesus Christ! 

My morning devotion and my personal relationship with God has become my release / my outlet for my addictive thinking, criminal thoughts, and actions. Jesus forgives, and his fruits are plentiful, he helps, he leads, and he guides me! I ask in prayer every morning for guidance, then I skim through his word and pick out a different scripture every day and apply it to my everyday life; God has truly blessed me, thank you and God bless. "

Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…

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